Sunday, December 30, 2007

Mom's 2008 New Year's Resolutions One Month Later

January 1st: “My children and I will learn Modern Hebrew this year.”
February 1st: “My children and I will weekly eat one dozen bagels with lox.”

January 1st: “I will get the kids the pet they’ve always wanted.”
February 1st: “I will buy a collar and a leash for my chia plant.”
January 1st: “I will make only home-made yogurt from only organic ingredients.”
February 1st: “I will allow my children only two Gogurts in their mouth at a time.”

January 1st: "I will take my children to a museum once a month."
February 1st: "I will show my kids where I ate super chili dogs in high school.”

January 1st: "I will make sure my children eat multi-grain fiber filled items at each meal."
February 1st: "I will store my bag of Krispy Kreme doughnuts next to a bottle of Metamucil.”

January 1st: "I will feature a Van Gogh each month on our coffee table."
February 1st: "I will fill up our Van at The Stop and Go.”

January 1st: "We will never eat food in the car in 2008."
February 1st: "We will quit using our gas grill in the car in 2008."
Please leave YOUR new year's resolutions in the comments box.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Great America Heroes: Our brave armed forces are one reason we are celebrating Christmas this year in relative safety and peace. God Bless America!

Cassandra Miller, US Navy (My neice)

Lieutenant Gami Ortiz, US Army (Our friend)

SSgt Gabriel Campbell

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Bad News... Good News

Bad News is that he's Home Alone... Good News is that he's 22!

Bad News is she had too many Christmas Cookies... Good News is that she almost made it home.

Bad News is her kittens were a little different... Good News is that she loved them all the same.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

What MOM wants for Christmas

1) Not a creature stirring... Sleeping children. Shhh!

2) Marshmallows roasting over an open fire with your kids.

3) Her kids' Webkinz password.

4) Friends that are faithful to the end.

5) Kids that love to help her fold the laundry.

6) Food that really is fast.

(Reindeer Pate)

7) Kids that love the Cubs so much they want to marry them.

8) Kids that Believe in the true meaning of Christmas.