Chicago Homeschool Expo is new and coming to Chicago August 7-8, 2009. Look for our billboards at I-355 @ Lake Street and I-290 @ 1st Avenue. Register today!
The expo is affordable. If you want free entrance, they are looking for volunteers. Kids are welcome.
There are hundreds of exhibits in the exhibit hall, including two featuring our marriage ministry and my homeschool curriculum.
Bob and I will be doing four workshops, that you don't want to miss.
1. Homeschool Your Preschooler on $1 a Day (Cheryl Moeller/Author, Homeschool Mom of 6) – Are you planning on homeschooling your preschooler, but can’t afford all the curriculum you picked out? Or perhaps, you already have your homeschool curriculum, but still need additional ideas and supplemental materials? Who doesn’t need help these days with the rising costs that impact a family’s budget? This is your key to a “Do-it-Yourself” preschool homeschool workshop, where you’ll be given you the tools to frugally homeschool your preschooler on $1 a day. All ideas are tried and tested in the trenches with homeschool mom of 6, conference speaker and author Cheryl Moeller, M.A.R.
2. Six Steps to Connecting with the Heart of Your Child (Bob and Cheryl Moeller) All children desire to have a deep and life-long heart connection with their parents. Parents share this same desire to be connected to the hearts of the their children. Yet, for this heart connection to take place it requires a deliberate effort, focus and caring on the part of parents. Bob and Cheryl Moeller, homeschool parents of six children, will share with you six practical steps to use with your homeschool children to stay connected to their hearts on a day to day basis. They will help you understand the dynamics of the heart as God created it to work; what locks and unlocks a child’s heart; and how to speak into the heart of our kids giving them the love, security and sense of belonging they so desperately desire.
3. Teach Your Children 12 Crucial Life Lessons to Avoid Making Huge Mistakes (Dr. Bob Moeller) Nothing is learned by quitting, more people are counting are on than you realize, never burn bridges behind you, are some of the 12 Valuable Life Lessons that you’ll want to know to teach your children. These practical, transferable concepts can guide your children to make wise, and life-giving choices each day. From truths learned from personal experience, as a husband of 30 years, homeschool dad of 6, pastor, author and TV host, Dr. Bob Moeller will challenge you to instill in your children 12 disaster busters.
4. 10 Reasons Why Loving Your Spouse is the Ultimate Homeschool Curriculum (Dr. Bob Moeller) Discover 10 Reasons why making your marriage and spouse the priority before your children and homeschool, is so vital. By learning and living this valuable home-life curriculcum, children will be set on a course to make them more productive, successful and well adjusted in their future lives and homes. Loving your spouse is an important life lesson children need to learn and see modeled, to ensure a healthy future. Dr. Bob Moeller and Cheryl Moeller, B.S., M.A.R., For Better For Worse For Keeps Ministries, will show and tell you why and how.

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