Bob Moeller and Steve Hiller in WMBI's Studio
Steve Hiller, Host and Michelle Strombeck, Producer, Prime Time Chicago, 3:00 Pm - 4:00 Pm CST, Monday through Fridays, Moody Radio Chicago
Topic for Monday, October 19 - How To Make One of the Biggest Mistakes of Your Life: How to Marry the Wrong Person
Ephesians - Chapter 4:2-3
Verse 2. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.
Verse 3. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.
A. How to Marry the Wrong Person
1. Date someone who is a non-believer
2. Decide you’ll get married at all costs
3. Become sexually involved with the person or live together first
4. Find someone you believe you can change after you’re married
5. Date someone with an addiction or other serious issues
6. Date someone who is married or who divorced for non-biblical reasons
B. How to Marry the Right Person
1. Be God’s right person first
2. Find Your Identity in Christ not a dating or love relationship
3. Give up your own desires and seek God’s will
4. Refuse all moral and spiritual compromise
5. Be truly content in your present situation
6. Find your place to serve Christ
7. Step out in faith when God introduces you
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