Friday, January 6, 2012

Are You a Christian Single 38 Years of Age or Over?

I'm trying something new on here for one week.  So, let's see how this works and have some fun.

Hi to everyone - Christian Single 38 Years of Age or Over and those who have single friends over Single 38 Years of Age or Over.  I'm a pastor's kid and a pastor's wife, so we reserve the right to be family friendly.

We have a heart and ministry to singles.  We have a conference called The Road to "I Do" Singles' Conference (which thousands have attended) on Relationships.  About our Road to "I Do" Conference click here  
We also have a CD set of the conference that you can buy and listen to or podcast.  Click here

We really love our group/s in the Midwest and have even had some Holiday dinners with our singles.  They are like family to us.  We count them among our best friends. 

Do you have a single relative or friend that really is like family to you?  Why not write a blog post about them to get them connected to some other Singles 38 Years of Age or Over?  You can post for someone else, but please ask them first! :) 

Linky Tools works this way:
1. Write up a blog post about yourself or someone else 38 Years of Age or Over.   Only Single 38 Years of Age or Over, no exceptions (we will have other options later this month).

2.  When you post on Linky Tools (below) be sure to give AS YOUR TITLE (first place to write something on Linky Tools), your first name, age, and the state that you are from to make things easier for everyone.

3.  This is for fun, so don't get too invested or too worried.  Someone might email you or no one might email you.  Not getting an email is not a big deal.

4.   Read the links that other singles put up (or their friends put up for them).  If you are interested in getting to know someone more, write to them.  We reserve the right to be family friendly.

5.  If you eventually have a neat story to share of who you did meet through this; let me know.  We would love to know! -

Put your blog post link in this Linky Tools box. Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

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