SGHWYCT = Show Grandma how well you can talk
G3GO3 = Gaa, Gaa, Gaa, Goo, Goo, Goo
TYN = Take Your Nap
IYD = In your dreams
EYB = Eat Your Broccoli
FVC = Favorite Cereal
NMSOCP = Need more sugar on Cocoa Puffs
DC = Diaper Change?
2 Late = No translation necessary.
*VIN4C = Starving for Cookies
OHFFS = Only Healthy Food for Snacks
PMSOHH = Put More Syrup on Ho-Ho's
IJMYT = I just made you tofu
RUK? = Are you kidding?
SC$SH = Success with Shopping (found Pampers 50% off)
SB? = Seatbelt On?
PT = Potty Training
2 Late
SC = Drink Your Sippy Cup
JC2LCC = Just Chugged 2 Liter Coca-Cola
TMM = Text Message Me Urgent Please
CTHDFC = Can't Talk, Helping Dad Find Comma
It should be noted that a recent study found that irritated tots were turning off their new technology gadgets at an alarming rate and climbing into their parent's laps to demand stories and facetime instead.
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