Friday, October 21, 2011

Mom's Good News... Mom's Bad News...

Mom's Good News...

I have a lot of friends on Facebook.

Mom's Bad News...

But, none in the real world.

Mom's Good News...

I just got my hair colored.

Mom's Bad News...

It did involve black shoe polish. 

Mom's Good News...

I discovered a brush and brushed my hair.

Mom's Bad News...

Found out it was the dog's brush.

Mom's Good News...

I put make-up on before church.

Mom's Bad News...

I forgot to take my pajamas off.

Mom's Good News...

My two-year son told me I looked pretty.

Mom's Bad News...

He also likes Ronald McDonald and Bozo.

Mom's Good News...

My favorite store is having a "Buy One, Get One Free" Sale!

Mom's Bad News...

I can't afford to even buy one.

Mom's Good News...

I brought extra diapers for our family vacation.

Mom's Bad News...

I forgot to pack the suitcase.

Mom's Good News...

I found cash!

Mom's Bad News:

The cash was in someone's pocket in the laundry.  After doing 15 loads that day,
if you average it out, I figure I made less than six cents an hour.

More Real Good News...
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