Wednesday, November 21, 2012

#1 in the Marriage and Family Division on Kindle this Week under FREE Kindle

FREE Kindle download this week Keep Courting:  100 Ways to Keep Courting After Marriage by Bob and Cheryl Moeller

A gift book! 50 ways to keep courting your husband and 50 ways to keep courting your wife.

Fifty Ways for Women to Keep Courting Their Husbands,
After Marriage:
- Attend an outdoor sporting exhibition show and look through the brochures, with him.
- Write a list of the "Things I Admire Most About My Husband" and tape it to his closet door.

Fifty Ways for Men to Keep Courting Their Wives,
After Marriage:
- Ask her to tell you two things that would make you an easier husband to live with (then work on them).
- Add "I love you" to her calendar on the day of your anniversary, every month. So, if you were married on June 16 (like the Moellers), write" I love you" on the 16th of every month, on her calendar. She'll remember every month how grateful you are to have her, as your wife.

“But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:15b

To Court Your Husband:

3. Smile throughout the day. It could be contagious!

4. Clean the garage together for an entire morning (with his favorite snacks).

5. Go to his favorite burger place, order a big item, so you can split the sandwich.

6. Order in pizza, sit next to him on the couch, and watch the game.

To Court Your Wife

“…to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the Word.” Ephesians 5:26

56. Sit with your arm around her at church.

57. Kiss her affectionately before you leave in the morning.

58. Go out for dinner and let your knees touch under the table.

59. Put your arm around her waist while you’re standing in a group and talking to friends.

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